Hi Guys,
asking for a bit of help with a particular issue ive got at the moment.
It started with the colder weather recently. ive got a boggo mk5 thats running a bluefin stage 1.

basically when getting up past 3k rpm, it feels like the boost is fluctuating quite a bit. i dont have a boost gauge, and ive already been through the usual suspects for causing running gremlins. The car has had over the past few months (to try and stop this sort of thing, but not cause of this)....

* new coilpacks care of VW
* new sparks last week
* revised PCV which has now beeen replaced with a REVO PCV blank
* rev G diverter
* new cam follower (oold one ws still in good nick).
ive scanned the car numerous times and dont get any errors. to be honest, having had quite a few boosted cars in the past im kind of thinking i have a boost leak of some description.

other points of note the car is only run on optimax and has had a few cycles of petrol now (so not a bad batch of fuel). So, im at a bit of a dead end. I dont think i have an issue with my CAM profile as ive read other places driving the HPFP (apparently when worn it can have a strange effect on the fuel delivery). Im not convinced its MAF related as ive run it with the MAF off, and having had a K04'd B5 S4 in the past that used to eat MAFs, it doesnt seem the same (plus the lcak of implausible signal etc in VAGCOM).

Ive ordered a boost pressure test kit off flea bay which im hoping will help as im guessing it could be something stupid like a vaccum hose has split or something similar. this in itself is raising a quetion as im not sure how air tight the standard engine cover/filter is where it mates to the intake next to the MAF, but the pipework is oval after that point so im ot sure where i can strap on to for getting a good seal.
Anyway, any help or advice appreciated.