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Author Topic: Bosch RCD 510 or Deplphi RCD 510?  (Read 5413 times)

Offline mac3582

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Bosch RCD 510 or Deplphi RCD 510?
« on: November 23, 2013, 09:44:42 am »
Hi Guys,

After a lot of searching on the net I have decided its time to get rid of the RCD 300 and get the RCD 510. My dilemma is I don't know which version to buy, Delphi or Bosch. there are pros and cons for both ie, Bosch has DAB, better looking interface and ive read that it has better build quality. Delphi has an mdi port which means I don't have to fork out an extra £100 for an mdi kit, it is also at least £50 cheaper, but ive read that sometimes the Bluetooth kits don't work properly.
I am currently using a parrot mki9200 for my music and hands free but would like to use the stereo for everything, so ideally I would like AUX, BLUETOOTH, IPOD CONNECTIVITY, SD CARD and USB. if theres any after market suggestions as well I might be interested.

sorry for the long post
if anybody can give me any advice or info on these units it would be greatly appreciated.

Offline paulw123

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Re: Bosch RCD 510 or Deplphi RCD 510?
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2013, 10:54:16 am »
Bought mine from turbo herbie, for £220 delivered but then he had about 30 to sell, so make him an offer.

Use it with a parrot kit as well. The sd card is really all I ever use. DAB reception with windscreen aerial is patchy in essex. The amp inside is far better than the rcd300/310, the sound improvement is really noticeable with standard speakers.
GT TDI sport 140 08plate,RCD510 DAB, leather armrest, euro cup holder

Offline mac3582

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Re: Bosch RCD 510 or Deplphi RCD 510?
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2013, 12:24:40 pm »
thanks for the link PAULW123
the main reason for changing is for better sound quality, im not fussed about having more volume just better quality when I turn it up. the sd card is all I really use on the parrot as well so either unit will be fine but the Delphi is a lot easier to connect usb or ipod which is always handy and im not too fussed about DAB, so im leaning towards a Delphi unit at the moment.