So I decided to keep the MK5 for the time being...
I was actively looking for a B7 Audi A4, but I didn't really fall in love with anyone of the ones I came across.
The MK1 is going back on the road in the next month or so, so I'll be driving that through the summer, and may sell the MK5 around June..
For now, small updates!
First off, some guy reversed into it on Christmas Eve while it was parked up, and his tow bar smashed my grille to pieces.
The numberplate was also badly bent, the bumper was pushed into a weird shape, and my airbag light was on.

I don't have any pictures of it like this though

Didn't take any kind of action though, as the guy was my sister's neighbour, and I didn't want to make it awkward

I went home, took the numberplate off and straightened it with a hammer, and pulled the bumper back into shape.
I thought I might as well have a change while I'm spending money, so I went for a GT Sport grille instead of the GTI.

The badge that came on it was pretty bubbly, so I smoothed it down a bit, primed, and painted it..

Also got the numberplate back on after getting new screw caps.

Finally found a MK5 to park next to similar to how mine used to look! Excuse the filth!

Ordered a black front badge, as I knew the paint wasn't going to last long on mine, and there were still a few visible bubbles.
Also got a GT Sport lower grille. Looked a bit messy without it

And cleaned!

And that's pretty much it for now.. I go through phases of MK5 love, and phases of MK1, so we'll have to see where my money goes once the MK1 is back on the road.