Not sure what to make of this, god help us......
The Bill introduces Injunctions to Prevent Nuisance and Annoyance (IPNAS) to replace ABSO’S. Almost no one will be sad to say goodbye to ASBO’s. The orders, designed to allow police to tackle anti-social behaviour, simply became a means of criminalising youthful indiscretion – and eventually a means of criminalising anything people found annoying. Some of the bizarre abuses of this power include:
Stuart Hunt of Loch Ness brought to court 100 times since 2007 for breaching an ASBO preventing him from laughing, staring or slow hand clapping.
Homeless, alcoholic and mentally ill Michael Gilligan given a 99 year ASBO rather than the welfare support that might have made a difference
A profoundly deaf 17 year old girl given an ASBO and a jail sentence for spitting in the street
A 13 year old banned from using the word ‘grass’ in England or Wales
Manchester Council applied an ASBO to prevent a mobile soup kitchen from feeding the homeless
Councils placing ASBOs on homeless people resulting in prison sentences for begging ‘earnestly and humbly’
An 87 year old man was given an ASBO threatening a prison sentence if he was sarcastic to his neighbours.