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Author Topic: Mk5 cylinder head  (Read 1382 times)


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Mk5 cylinder head
« on: November 26, 2013, 11:19:12 pm »
I'm hoping someone here can shed a little light to my query. Unfortunately, on the weekend my car broke, lost power with blue/white smoke. It cant be looked at until next week to establish exactly whats going on, however I have a good idea. Best case scenario (sounds stupid, but is compared to the next option) is head gasket has gone, which is easy enough to rectify, However, ever the optimist, im fearing the worst, and after reading that its quite a common fault on earlier mk5 golfs (mines 2005 2.0ltr gt tdi), the cylinder head is either porous, or has even cracked.
So obviously, if this is the case, I don't want to fit the same head, as the chances are, it could happen again. My question is, as im lead to believe that the 'C' type of head (3rd attempt at resolving the fault), made after 2006, didn't suffer with this issue, will it fit my earlier engine, or does it have to be the same year? Also does the engine code need to be the same?
Thanks in advance.

Offline Trekmeister

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« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2013, 08:47:05 am »
Have you lost coolant, is there water in your oil, has the car used oil? The mk5 diesels were also prone to turbo failure.

Offline Dannyboy88

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Re: Mk5 cylinder head
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2013, 09:01:51 am »
My 2006 jetta is fitted with the C version. Guessing it must have been swapped in its early days.

Offline Steve A

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Re: Mk5 cylinder head
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2013, 09:51:07 am »
It's pure guess work without further investigation. However doesn't nessaserily mean its a head issue, as mentioned above could well be a turbo issue. And yes the rev c cylinder head will fit onto your short block.

I have a rev A fitted to the misses 54 plate golf (bkd), just have to monitor coolant levels and hope for the best :laugh:


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Re: Mk5 cylinder head
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2013, 08:36:06 pm »
Well the morning it happened, I checked all the levels on my car, as I needed to check the antifreeze was ok. I noticed that the coolant was well below the min, (which I haven't noticed before) but until now, I was unaware that this was a sign of other possible issues, I just thought it would be a case of topping it up later. Later in the afternoon I took it to a well known and reputable garage as it was having a stage 1 remap. (I didn't say anything about the coolant level, as I didn't think it was an issue and I totally forgot about it anyway). So it was mapped and they took it out to check everything was working as it should, it was going really well, but then it lost power with smoke everywhere and they bought it back, where they told me what had happened. I didn't see the car when or after, so I can only say what I was told. They pressurised the coolant bowl, and the pressure dropped.
I know that some of you are now thinking, WHAT, because I either didn't say anything about the coolant first off, or I didn't go out with my own car, and saying it now, it seems really stupid, but I took it, to improve its performance, they do there job, and it was cold, so I waited in the offices until the job was done, all of this happened without me knowing, as im guessing they wanted to do as much as they could before telling me the news that my pride and joy was not working as it should.

I know it could be a lot of different things, the turbo though is one I hadn't thought of. I just want to gather as much information, so im prepared and know what to get / look for when they investigate further.

Thanks for responding.