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Author Topic: Urgent Advice please  (Read 16549 times)

Offline irish_ram

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2013, 05:35:28 pm »
Yeah although I have just read the Warranty agreement and says Does Not Include:


We will not pay for any stripping down of the parts to determine the cause of the failure of parts or breakdown unless we accept the repair request in Section E. Section E being a list of whats covered which the literally is the whole engine so seems I should be okay.

Just also spoke to the dealer I bought it off and they advise if it is a fault in the engine then any dismantling would be covered as would need to be done to investigate and fix the issue.

So lets hope it all gets sorted tomorrow as it needs to go to a specialist garage now as the current one do not have the tool to do this job.

Only cost I may incur is the coil packs as I presume RAC will argue the replacement of them did not fix the issue

Offline irish_ram

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2013, 04:58:57 pm »
So latest update now is:

It has been taken to a VW specialist garage to take a look. They insisted on doing another code scan rather than take the word of the other garage which is around £40 buy heyho.

Just got another update from them through my dealer who sold the car to me saying they have confirmed there is no compression on one of the cylinders so will need to strip the engine down on Monday to take a further look  :scared:

I am probably just being untrustworthy but my dealer insisted they ring them with updates and they ring me then, not sure of something going on or they are just wanting to manage everything for me as I was their customer. Hopefully the latter

Will update on Monday hopefully with good news

Offline irish_ram

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2013, 11:34:22 am »
After the update from the new Garage yesterday advising they confirm there is no compression on one of the Cylinders and the old garage suggesting this could be because of a Piston/Valve issue I am getting a bit worries in terms of the cost of fixing this.

I have as mentioned before RAC Platinum Warranty but the Limit I believe for any one repair is 1k

Looking at some of the quotes people have had to repair their engine the cheapest I saw was around £1300 which is getting me worried now that I am going to be forking out a lot of money to get my car fixed and that is based on the fact RAC will cover the repair costs up to 1k. If for some reason they do not then I am up sh*ts creek to put it politely.

I am hoping this is not the case and it is something less serious and will be covered within the 1k but if it is not does anyone have any views on my chances with taking this to VW as apparently it is a known fault or taking it the selling dealer as I have only had it for 3 months and does not look good on them that I have had it a short time and could be spending 4 figures to get it repaired.

Any help appreciated or past experiences

Offline paulw123

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2013, 12:22:33 pm »
Your contract is with the dealer that sold you the car. How much warranty did you get with it?
Maybe they would take the car back and find you another MK5?
Worst case, it will cost you, but your selling dealer might split the costs.
If not, I guess you will have to pay to get car back on road, then take selling dealer to small claims for selling you a dud car, to reclaim your losses.
Loss of compression is bad news. Could be a major failure, either valves or piston rings, or both.
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Offline irish_ram

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2013, 01:09:30 pm »
Your contract is with the dealer that sold you the car. How much warranty did you get with it?
Maybe they would take the car back and find you another MK5?
Worst case, it will cost you, but your selling dealer might split the costs.
If not, I guess you will have to pay to get car back on road, then take selling dealer to small claims for selling you a dud car, to reclaim your losses.
Loss of compression is bad news. Could be a major failure, either valves or piston rings, or both.

In terms of the dealer I am not sure what warranty I got with them if any.

Probably a bad miss on my behalf but is there a standard cover I would get
With them or is it now a case of good will if any.

I obviuosly have the RAC warranty up to 1k so if the repair comes to 1k
I am not fussed as covered but they mentioned piston and valve and that is what seems
to be the expensive cost. Not to mention just stripping the engine could cost
A few hundred quid just to get to the issue :(

Offline irish_ram

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #20 on: December 02, 2013, 06:28:50 pm »
Not much of an update but rang the Garage today and they have started taking the Cylinder Block off and will then assess the no compression issue so be tomorrow before they know.

Not holding much hope  :scared:

Offline irish_ram

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #21 on: December 02, 2013, 07:38:28 pm »
After a bit of advice if anyone can help a bit more  :happy2:

As anyone who has read this knows my car is currently in the Garage and by now been stripped down as there is a compression fault to one of the Cylinders.

I obviously will not know what the full extent of the damage in terms of cost is but trying to get a rough idea.

As the Engine has to be stripped down to check the compression issue can anyone advice what a rough labour cost would be for this. As I presume the same sort of cost would apply to put the engine back together. At least I will then know a big bulk of the cost. The only guide I have to go off is one I had to pay on my MK4 golf a few years ago where VW charged me around £300 for stripping and putting back together my engine after I refused to pay the extra £700 for the actual repair.

I am then hoping the only other cost will be the labour and parts cost of fixing the fault once in the engine but will hopefully get a better idea of what that is tomorrow.

Thanks in advance

Offline SRC

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #22 on: December 02, 2013, 09:09:00 pm »
I might have read this thread too quickly, but I'm not sure how long you've owned the car.  Regardless of the length of warranty, any commercial seller has a legal responsibility under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 to ensure that any goods sold are of "satisfactory quality"(section 14(2)).  By this, it means what a reasonable person would say was "fitness for all the purposes for which goods of the kind in question are commonly supplied" (sec 14(2B)(a)).

I'd quote that to the dealer if they quibble, and point out that any reasonable person would not expect the guts to fall out of a mk5 Golf so soon after purchase.

Remember, though, that how you talk to the dealer is as important as what you say.  It's unlikely he/she sold you a duff car on purpose, and they'll be more sympathetic if they like you.

Good luck.

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Offline irish_ram

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #23 on: December 02, 2013, 09:33:36 pm »
I might have read this thread too quickly, but I'm not sure how long you've owned the car.  Regardless of the length of warranty, any commercial seller has a legal responsibility under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 to ensure that any goods sold are of "satisfactory quality"(section 14(2)).  By this, it means what a reasonable person would say was "fitness for all the purposes for which goods of the kind in question are commonly supplied" (sec 14(2B)(a)).

I'd quote that to the dealer if they quibble, and point out that any reasonable person would not expect the guts to fall out of a mk5 Golf so soon after purchase.

Remember, though, that how you talk to the dealer is as important as what you say.  It's unlikely he/she sold you a duff car on purpose, and they'll be more sympathetic if they like you.

Good luck.

Thank You for the advice

I have read a few documents which state that within 6 months of buying the car if something goes wrong then it is the dealers responsibility to prove the car was fit for purpose when they sold it. If I do run into issue claiming on this then the Garage had done an MOT and full Service on it so not sure what legs that would give me to stand on against the Garage.

Now I am hoping I don't have to go down this route as if it is under 1k RAC will pay for it and even if it comes to more I will say the Garage has good comments from people who know it and also they have been really good and helpful so far since I got the issue. And I think if it came to light the car was defective when sold then I do not think it would have been something the Dealer realized or knew about.

But in preparation for the worst I am trying to start getting a cost together for the things I know is happening and the one thing I know is them stripping the engine to check the issue and also having to put the engine back together once fixed which regardless if the work/parts to fix the problem is cheap or expensive the stripping and putting back together will still be roughly the same.

So anyone who has a rough cost on this that would be great as I am expecting this to eat into a good chunk of my 1k RAC Warranty  :scared:

Offline irish_ram

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #24 on: December 03, 2013, 09:06:16 pm »
So another update which is better news in terms of cost but maybe not for my poor motor.

So the Garage have stripped the Engine and confirmed to my dealer it has a melted valve and piston  :scared:

The dealer is now going to ask the Garage to fully take apart the engine and investigate for any other issues that might have been caused as they want to make sure they fixing everything so seems like the Dealer is doing the right thing so far and might give me more piece of mind that the car is not going to develop anymore issues relating to this.

The bad news is this is looking likely the cost to repair will be well above 1k by the sounds of it. However the good news is the Dealer advised not to worry as they will cover any cost that RAC do not so if comes to 2k they will pay the 1k etc which is good and a huge relief off my shoulders.

The only cost he advised I would likely need to pay is for the 2 Diagnosis he authorized them to do which is about £40+VAT per diagnosis so roughly around £100 which is not bad considering the cost I could have been landed with.

He did also advise I would have to pay for anything replaced which improves the car. He advised he was talking about things like if they saw the cam belt needed changing so would make sense to do there and then as I would not pay any labor charge and just parts however this would be my decision to go ahead with any of these repairs.

So it seems like I may be coming out lucky if get away with just £100 of costs but I will wit until the car is back in my drive before counting myself lucky.

Offline Degudodger

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #25 on: December 03, 2013, 09:43:00 pm »
At least the garage is being fair which is a first :)
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Offline irish_ram

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #26 on: December 03, 2013, 09:50:15 pm »
It is indeed.

I was all ready to give me view on how I believe the garage should be making up any shortfall until he came out with it before I said anything.

I means I wont count on anything until my bank is only £100 lighter and the car is back on my drive fully fixed but fingers crossed  :happy2:

Offline doylebros

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #27 on: December 03, 2013, 09:57:33 pm »
I'm like you - wait and see if your contribution doesn't increase!

What I would want to know is:-

Why it happened

Is this common

Is there anything I've done to cause this

Cause to me they seem to be too willing to pay up and must be covered by VW paying their share!

Offline Marc-5-GTI

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #28 on: December 03, 2013, 10:05:00 pm »
Glad to hear you're sorted mate! And to minimal costs!  :smiley:
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Offline irish_ram

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #29 on: December 03, 2013, 10:05:31 pm »
I'm like you - wait and see if your contribution doesn't increase!

What I would want to know is:-

Why it happened

Is this common

Is there anything I've done to cause this

Cause to me they seem to be too willing to pay up and must be covered by VW paying their share!

I tend to agree.

I mean I will not knock a good thing while I am getting it but I am very skeptical as to why they are bending over backwards and not even waiting to see if I have any issues if they ask me to pay a higher contribution. As i have said before though they have got good reviews from people and they made a comment today they were covering it as I was there customer and it was not right the engine has literally failed after only 3 months of ownership so I am hoping it is more to so with them making sure they uphold their good relationship rather that something else going on and a big surprise coming my way.

 I will also once fixed ask the questions around why it happened and is it common as want to make sure I am not back there in 6 months as yes I will have RAC cover still but may be a different reaction from the dealer after having that long.

I am definitely waiting until I have got the car back to ask if it was something I could have done as I do not want to point blame at myself when I have a claim going through  :wink: