So another update which is better news in terms of cost but maybe not for my poor motor.
So the Garage have stripped the Engine and confirmed to my dealer it has a melted valve and piston

The dealer is now going to ask the Garage to fully take apart the engine and investigate for any other issues that might have been caused as they want to make sure they fixing everything so seems like the Dealer is doing the right thing so far and might give me more piece of mind that the car is not going to develop anymore issues relating to this.
The bad news is this is looking likely the cost to repair will be well above 1k by the sounds of it. However the good news is the Dealer advised not to worry as they will cover any cost that RAC do not so if comes to 2k they will pay the 1k etc which is good and a huge relief off my shoulders.
The only cost he advised I would likely need to pay is for the 2 Diagnosis he authorized them to do which is about £40+VAT per diagnosis so roughly around £100 which is not bad considering the cost I could have been landed with.
He did also advise I would have to pay for anything replaced which improves the car. He advised he was talking about things like if they saw the cam belt needed changing so would make sense to do there and then as I would not pay any labor charge and just parts however this would be my decision to go ahead with any of these repairs.
So it seems like I may be coming out lucky if get away with just £100 of costs but I will wit until the car is back in my drive before counting myself lucky.