This topic is probably starting to annoy people but I feel obliged now to update it daily and use it as a vent for my frustration

So waiting for a call today from the Dealer to say car all ready and fixed. Waited until 4:30pm and nothing so decided to ring the dealer as they said they would call me with an update. So the guy dealing with my request had gone home with flu at 12pm which cannot be helped but a quick call or text would have been nice however I find out the reason they have not called me is because the garage has not called them. I was nice about it but pointed out they should be chasing the garage and not the other way around as to the garage it is just another car for repair so will not be necessarily top of their list unless you chase them to prioritize it.
Anyway they ring the Garage and then ring me back to advise car went to VW this morning but as it was dropped on them suddenly it will drop in with ll the other jobs so may be Wednesday now which I was not happy about.
I know I want it done properly but over the last week it seems the Dealer has stopped chasing it and informing me as they were originally and maybe taking advantage of my patience and understanding which they keep thanking me for. On top of that to quicken things up I agreed to pay my part towards the new engine last week with the promise it would be ready by last Thursday but since then the date for return has changed 3 times and now the latest date which has come from VW is maybe Wednesday which is not filling me with confidence.
I have asked them to call me back tomorrow morning as if they are seemingly not chasing it and just waiting for the Garage and the VW Dealer to fit it in then my patience and understanding will stop and I will end up turning into one of those Customers which I myself will frown on as shouting and chucking your toys out of the pram seldom improve things.
I have a good mind to ask for compensation for being without my car for now what will be 3 weeks if get it back on Wednesday but I would not be surprised if I didn't see my car until after Christmas.
I might send them some Ebay links and say get me these mods and we will be all square