I'm looking for some advice please, from all those fans of gadgets etc.. (i know there must be a few on here

I'm (sorry we're) moving into a new build, hopefully within the next few weeks..
The front room is 3935x6980 (12'11" x 22'8") and I've been given the green light to get my TV and Home Cinema system!
The TV i'm looking at is an LG 55LA860 Tied into the Home Cinema which is LG BH9530TW (9.1 system)
Reason i'm picking LG is like the look of the tv itself as well as the smart remote, has a built in camera for skype (i work away) as well as the home cinema is semi-wireless (rear speakers connect to a remote amp to save running wires across room from main unit)
Does anyone have any experience of this LG setup or something similar or could they recommend something else?