Alright guys
Coilovers are on todays agende felt like making the already popular thread issue that little bit more popular so get involved
looking at grabbing a set for a cheeky crimbo present to myself for all the hard work being me but ive got choices
Id love a set of h & rs but that waayy out the question so i need to tone it down a bit
Its either budget or mid for me at the minute so Im looking at JOM or maybe Highsports for a middle ranged one
to counter this though there are AK along side JOM & vmaxx against Highsports?
So whose used what or knows anyone running the gear?
I Dont wanna slam the car to the ground its a daily so its more for sharper handling
ive got a limit of £400 so its go with the budget and get some other little things done or go mid and enjoy it for a while
Through some input my way is there a difference in budget and mid for road use? if so would it not be countered with budget and a WALK or some polybushing?