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Author Topic: Wax Shelf Life???  (Read 1193 times)

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Wax Shelf Life???
« on: December 10, 2013, 07:31:42 pm »
Hey Folks

Been bitten by the detailing bug again after taking a break :innocent: and I have quite a few tubs/jars/pots of wax left over from my old detailing days and just wondering if they are still useable??

They have been kept in a cupboard under the stairs so out of sunlight and the temp has been a rather constant cool room temp, got about 6 pots in total ranging from a few Dodo waxes, p21s, 476s, megs #16 and whatever other waxes DW tempted me into buying which I can no longer remember :stupid:

So they worthy a coat or best off in the bin and me starting again?


P.S been in there about 2 years :ashamed:

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Re: Wax Shelf Life???
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2013, 07:51:36 pm »
2 yrs is nothing. As long as they've been stored properly the solvent shouldn't have evaporated.

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