Cheers peeps, much to look through there.

We already have a 42" Full HD Plasma Panasonic Viera TV for our main viewing but after a 3-4 years it's looking dated (compared to the modern ones) and also have a 1 year old 32" Samsung Full HD Smart LED TV in another room. Just wanted something a wee bit bigger with less plastic surround and more screen on view.
I thought LED was the dingles?

I was leaning towards a slightly bigger LED TV as our Samsung LED TV has an incredible picture when watching FULL HD content, seems better than our Plasma TV, both have Blu ray players and their own separate Sky HD boxes.
The room is well lite with natural light and average size, 25"x12" IIRC. Not overly fussed with 3D but as most TV's come with it anyway, why not.