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Author Topic: iPod - MDI armrest or glovebox - pros / cons  (Read 1689 times)

Offline darrenchambers

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iPod - MDI armrest or glovebox - pros / cons
« on: November 13, 2013, 05:57:07 pm »
I don't know why but I have been mulling this over for ages, just when I think my mind is made up I change it again.

My armrest is not the MDI variant so I would need to change it to bring my ipod to the armrest but from what I read it's a pig - don't get me wrong, I don't mind the challenge I just don't want to go to the trouble and then realise that it would be better in the glovebox.

From my mullings over these are the pros and cons as I see them:

Armrest MDI Pros
Looks cool
Factory look
Easy access even when on the move

Armrest MDI cons
Target for thieves unless you remember to close the armrest every time you leave the vehicle
Loss of space
Not large enough for some of the newer phones ( which I won't use anyway so I don't know why this is in my cons list )
Tricky and more expensive to fit
More timely to get hold of all the kit ( MDI, Armrest console and don't even start me on the AUX which I think looks a bit aftermarket on the front of the console )

Glovebox MDI pros
Easy fit
Well hidden
Retain in car storage

Glovebox MDI cons
Not factory
Less accessible
Not as cool

What are other peoples thoughts on this ?


Offline doylebros

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Re: iPod - MDI armrest or glovebox - pros / cons
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2013, 06:06:06 pm »
Or fit it in the front ashtray/ cubby hole.

Like everything there's pros and cons but for me in the armrest is the job! :happy2:

Offline Golfgirl

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Re: iPod - MDI armrest or glovebox - pros / cons
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2013, 11:24:45 am »
I used to have mine in the glovebox connected to a lead from the back of the stereo.  I decided to move it to the armrest for all of the 'armrest pros' you list above.  I wish I'd never bothered.  It really was a pig of a job and involved lots of swearing and scraped knuckles.  I didn't gain anything from it either, in fact I was better off with it in the glovebox.

The slot isn't wide enough for my iPhone, and too deep to get my Nano docked easily (I've got the 5th gen Nano which is tiny!).  Don't forget when it was available as a factory option only the iPod classics were about.  It doesn't charge my iPod when it's on (the glovebox one didn't either but I thought the armrest one would) and I've lost a lot of storage in the armrest.

If I was to do it again I'd tell myself not to bother.  However, it does look better than having it sliding around in the glovebox and may be a minor selling point when I come to sell the car.

Demon666 was a great help in providing me the parts and advice on how to fit it, may be worth a PM to him if you decide to go ahead with it.


Offline darrenchambers

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Re: iPod - MDI armrest or glovebox - pros / cons
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2013, 03:25:33 pm »
Sounds like you have the version with the proper ipod dock rather than the other piece of kit which has a cable like this:

You could swap it for one of these now that you have done the hard part.

Offline torque777

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« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2013, 07:21:15 am »
Tbh I've fitted and removed my armrest right upto the lower dash ..and first time it was a little challenging but not really hard to do can remove and refit in under the hour ...I think the glovebox fitting is the best could even do what ed did and fit the mounting point off a skoda so it looks factory in there ...I just wouldn't bother doing it in the armrest

sent using my own fingers

Offline darrenchambers

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Re: iPod - MDI armrest or glovebox - pros / cons
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2013, 10:11:05 am »
Thanks for the comments guys, I want the best of both worlds so here is what I am going to do:

Mount the MDI unit in the end of the dashboard on the passenger side, then I'm going to buy a 32gb ipod touch gen 4 from eBay, probably with some kind of defect to keep the cost low.
I shall velcro the iPod to the MDI in the end of the dashboard and I will sync it wirelessly so I don't need to remove it from the vehicle - but I can easily get it out if I need to.

Not sliding about in the glovebox.
Not losing armrest cabin space.
Easy install.

The only thing I'm wondering about is whether I can sync wirelessly whilst it is connected to the MDI, if I can't that's a bit of a problem.

Will let you know how it goes.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 11:08:23 am by darrenchambers »

Offline darrenchambers

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Re: iPod - MDI armrest or glovebox - pros / cons
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2013, 10:41:59 pm »