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Author Topic: Sat Nav RNS315  (Read 735 times)


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Sat Nav RNS315
« on: December 15, 2013, 02:24:45 pm »
Sorry to crash your Forum, as I currently don't own a GTI.  Have owned 3 in the past, please ignore me if I have no right here, but I know that the contributors on this forum are very knowledgable.

Just sold my Touran and bought a Altea FR 57 plate and retro fitted a RNS315.  The sets works perfectly, but not the steering wheel controls.  I know that they run different protocols dap-ddm ( I think), but does anybody know of a fix? Or is this the trade off for the newer unit?  Thanks in advance for your patience for a being a non VW owner asking questions.

Offline john a

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Re: Sat Nav RNS315
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2013, 09:44:48 pm »
AFAIK there is no fix - the RNS315 is a BAP only so won't have the same functionality on a DDP car.