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Author Topic: No Power, lights on dash  (Read 2712 times)

Offline Nodz

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Re: No Power, lights on dash
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2013, 09:00:49 am »
Lol I know, forums can turn the simplest problems and turn them into something major. Just need to get it scanned and then go from there.

I drove it a couple of times last night and the EPC light vanished and the ESP started working again but the EML was still on and then the last time I drove it they all come back as I accelerated to get out a junction.

Has anyone got any idea of how much is be looking at if it is the throttle body?

iirc richwig83 had his done by Alex for ~£400.

Thanks mate, that's about what I was thinking it would be.

Offline GarethB

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Re: No Power, lights on dash
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2013, 09:10:27 am »
How does it drive Nathan?

When my TB went, the car was misfiring all over the shop and wouldn't really drive more than 5-10mph - there was not doubt what the problem was. it also sounded like a tractor.

There was just no way it could be driven in any normal manner, and it was a real pain to get the car to my mates garage as I couldn't drive more than 10mph (and the only route is a 50mph duel carriageway).

I called Alex and he correctly identified the 3 errors that would be logged whilst i was scanning it.

Just wondered if there different levels of TB failure???

And the price quoted seems about right - a disgusting amount  :sick:

Hope you get things sorted soon mate  :happy2:

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Re: No Power, lights on dash
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2013, 09:20:09 am »
My first thought was throttle body..

I was looking at the list just trying to find someone who's about when I am. Trouble is I can't get to a garage until the end of next week due to work commitments and going Catterick. There is another car I can use, just the timing is annoying.

Only 4 miles from me if you go to catterick..could arrange a mate of mine to scan it for you

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Re: No Power, lights on dash
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2013, 12:31:28 pm »
Below 2k revs and 30mph you wouldn't even notice anything was wrong unless you was going for a gap but if I boot it there's just no power there. As you say there must be different levels of failure.

I didn't drive it all yesterday then this morning drove it to work and the EPC light was off and ESP was working but the EML was still present. On the way in I was driving conservatively and seemed fine up to 2k and it was fine so let it rev to 3k and could feel te power was there but didn't try it as I knew it would throw a fit and give the errors again.

Only 4 miles from me if you go to catterick..could arrange a mate of mine to scan it for you

Thanks mate, I don't get to Darlington til 10pm on the weds and then I'm not sure wen I have to be at Catterick for or how long I'll be there as it's my mates passing out parade. Thanks for te offer :happy2:

Offline Scottymon

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Re: No Power, lights on dash
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2013, 12:36:26 pm »
Vote Throttle Body... notorious for dieing... replace with version Q or later (if there is one), don't bother with any earlier versions (nod to VRS Alex).

I got mine 2nd hand for ~£70 and fitted it myself, instantly better.

But obviously have it scanned first. :happy2: