Tc , Your not the worth the energy to press these keys on the keyboard anymore.
I decided to step down as moderator sunshine, and wasnt Booted off as you put it, or was that something you thought you knew, but dont. 
Ok perhaps the reason id stepped down was because of yourself maybe, being like you are just now.
I am getting confused now are you saying its my fault your a idiot. Who never thinks before he posts.
Or are you going into phase 2 of your hole digging were you try and make everyone feel sorry for poor little you. 
Now your really talking out of your arse Tom.
You seriously are not worth dragging this on anymore.
"I hope one day you actually drive one because you would be convinced!"
It may well be mate, but my reply was purely FROM THE VERY START not based on the actual car, Just SOME of its drivers.
Someone in here have to get a personality transplant dragging this on way too long to the point that its pointless visiting.
Perhaps if people find me too offensive, perhaps they can use there ignore tab and save alot of hassle