I take it your a women?
No need for that! We are old enough on here to avoid sexism, even in joke form!
I think if anyone is offended (women) they are able to speak up for themselves lol.
If you can't have a joke in life because you're PC then hey so be it!!
From looking at the pictures..
You would need new wing, blending onto the door, new bumper, new fog light, new fog light grill, associated clips, new splitter, probably a few little bits of wiring etc, new headlight if there's any damage on that. Also would imagine you'd need a new air temp sensor (for the dash readout) but maybe got away with that one?!
Presume the crash bar isn't bent/damaged and no other damaged parts.. best bet is to whip bumper off to check!
Prices depend on your location and what not... always get a bit irate at people asking how much it is to spray when we're not spray painters in your area!!!
I had half my old car resprayed for £450. Yet I know in some parts in London that would barely get you one panel done for that!

You need to ask a bodyshop in your area for an accurate quote..
RE Insurance bodyshop repairs .... agree they cost a fortune, that's how the majority of bodyshops make their money through insurance work. - By charging extortionate amounts of money!!! 500 quid in paint? You need like 3-4 litres to do a FULL respray (I'm talking colour change or from a bare metal chassis). Same colour blow over sort of work is much less.
1 US quart is 0.96L am I right? The house of kolor paint I use on my wheels is £50 per quart. That is a pretty special colour plus house of kolor scene tax. So it would cost me let's say at worst £300 for paint to do a car... normal paint would be less.. OK plus the lacquers and thinners and what not but still. £500 for a few panels is a far reach.
No wonder our insurance prices are so high!

How on earth did you manage to do that though?!?!