Took the car up to R-Tech

Unfortunately on the drive up to R-Tech my radiator somehow worked loose and the back of the fan rubbed on a coolant pipe and wore a hole in it causing a leak.
The guys at R-Tech managed to wedge a bit of wood to hold the rad in place and despite the coolant leak they were able to do the remap

Had a Stage 2 remap and achieved 270HP and 355ftlbs of torque
"Before" dyno run.

"After" dyno run.

"Comparison" dyno

Peak results

It was then on to the test drive and man did I have an ear to ear grin on my face.
Unfortunately the coolant was leaking pretty bad. It was looking like I wasn't going to be able to make the drive back to London. The lads at R-Tech tried their best to get me the parts and would've done the repair to get me home, but were unable to get the parts.

Luckily the RAC mechanic was able to fix the coolant pipe.

The drive home was amazing :D
Just waiting for parts on order from VW now to sort out rad/coolant pipe.