Sadly, it looks like that there will be no more updates, certainly not big jobs, for the rest of this year. I’m away now for 2 months, then it’s Christmas so the chances of getting out onto the Golf are slim at best. To round out the year, I think it’s fair to say in summary that a bloody lot has happened in just one year but with anyone who’s modifying their car, the more you do the more there is to do!
So to sort of close off this year’s modifications, I’ve tried to take a few photos of various bits I’ve done. Needless to say, most are crap and not good enough to make it onto the web but here’s a few to enjoy for now.
First one I got was the other night when it was nice and foggy at night;

Next up was one taken tonight with some heavy editing to try and reduce the effects of the orange lights I was under, not very successfully I may add. Least favourite of the 5 uploads tonight but better than a lot of the others I took;

Half an hour drive later, found a spot with some white lights but they ended up being too bright one direction and too dark the other;

However, I knew roughly what I was doing for this next shot. I need to go somewhere darker and use white LED lighting inside the car, but still quite happy with this shot;

But the money shot of the evening;

That last one is by miles my favourite image of my car, ever! Need to refine some others and practise my skills a bit but I’m starting to get the hang of image editing properly as well rather than use pre-set filters and adjustments.
That’s all for now…