All Things Mk5 > Revo Zone

*** All your Revo question's and answer's in here please. ***

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give the car a month for you to get a 'feel' for whats normal, then remap it   :happy2:
With the extra fun comes extra risk of things breaking but these cars are tough.
On a GTI the stage 1 is a no brainer, ED30 clutch is a risk on manual cars but otherwise WhiteGTI has its summed up.
There are plenty on here that probably push their cars way above where you want to go (for now  :evilgrin:)
Can always remove it too.

Thanks for the reassurance guys  :happy2:. Think I'll do what John_o said and run it for a month or so to see if there are any teething problems and get a feel for the car before I have it done. The money is there (providing I don't go get the Miltek and Induction kit) so theres no rush.


Any further questions please post a new topic  :happy2:


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