The other issue with cat c and d cars is you cant insure them nowadays most companies wont touch them and if you dont tell them they ll soon find out when you come to claim then you ll have no insurance any way !!!
They are not really a cheap way to buy a car
This is not a true fact ,
There are afew company's that don't insure them but most do .
Where do you think the cars come from ? The insurance company's sell them.
If they all stopped insureing them ,then nobody would buy them ,and they would be stuck with them .
It's in there intrest to insure them
Only a FEW companys will insure Categorised Cars , when you go to claim you will find out how much they value your car that their industry sold you .
A written off write off will be worth very little
If you do buy a Cat C or D repaired when you get the insurance as them to value your car first before you pay the premium 
Most insurance company WILL insure categorised cars,
And a cat c or d repaired vechile will still be worth money just not as much as a straight one ,, say if it's worth 4k straight they would still offer 3k easy ,,, so if the cars cheaper to start with then it's not a problem .
Very naive , most insurance companies will not , if you tell them about it in the quotation process , fail to notify them and they will rarely pay out a claim 
I have been involved with the vast majority of insurance companies for 27 years plus , but you believe what you like
Lol believe what you like ,, many people are driving round in categorised cars which they don't no about , are you saying they never get payed out ?? I have been driving cars for nearly 20 years and I've never had a problem , most of my cars have been insurance total lost, lots of my friends have them to .
Oh I should also add , I work in the salvage trade , have done for a number of years
When and if the day comes that insurance company's stop insuring the cars they sell ,they will have problems ,because nobody will buy the salvage
Copart sell hundreds of cars/bikes everyday not to mention hbc salvage / motorhog / bld .
That is all
If you work in the salvage trade what used to happen to repaired write offs that were put back on the road ?
They used to be examined by the Police for several reasons ( i am sure the DVLA told the police via a VQ13). We found 44 cars that had been sold as repaired write offs that were actually stolen cars cloned onto the identity of the categorised damaged car
They now get somebody from the VRO to do it , they have no contact with the Insurance database or insurance at all and haven't found any since they have been doing it ! VRO are not aware of the hidden identities given to the police and their locations either
If people are not telling Insurance companies they have a repaired write off they could be uninsured at worst or perhaps just as bad if they claim the payout can be refused or drastically reduced
Its a matter for them to tell or not , i am only pointing it out for people that are naive when it comes to everything that surrounds the purchase/insurance etc of a categorised car or van . I have seen many sad faces over the years from people who have fallen foul of one thing or another
As far as Cat C or D there is no problem having one or buying and repairing one , best to buy a damaged one and do it yourself , but you must be up front with Insurance and value etc