@r5gtt the secret came out ages ago - I chopped the rear off the lens but that caused a strength issue where over time separation occurs. I think Iv overcome that now too. Have a look at my YouTube to see how the rear is cut and an explanation of the issues caused
I'm prototyping a new led and electronics at the moment which should make this all come together so find me (Mateyguv) on Instagram for updates if interested 
@MateyGuv Thanks for the swift reply

I've already seen this video and I've opened up my lights ready for stage 2 but haven't the foggiest what bulb type to use as I ordered some smd rings but cancelled the order as they were white. now I'm thinking what next

Do I go ccfl or smd scratches his bald patch in confusion

Cutting the light with balsy and I wouldn't try it although they look brilliant without having the horrible crackle effect on the front well done

You've been busy with your mods and I'm well intrigued by your videos which led me to try this mod out.
I have a couple of sets of rear lights now so thinking which ones to mod as people keep asking about the ones I have forsale as they're not skyline modded so why they think they are I don't know lol
I'll have to get Instagram as ive never used that before haha Facebook I do have.
Thanks again