I don't think he's bought it as a daily. 
Au contraire, Mr Hedge - I will be using it every day to work and back

Definitely realise it's not to everyone's taste, but it is to mine, and that's what counts!
TBH I got kind of fed up of using nice cars to just trundle to work and back (those of you who have seen my other "daily drivers" know what I'm talking about), and I'm also super fed up of modern European cars in general.
I like cars that are kind of broken and/or crap, I've decided. Modern European cars are all the same to my eyes - they all have the same old rubbish from the same old suppliers in them, and they're all far too smart for their own good. Also, I tend to buy cars to keep, and I know first-hand about obsolescence of electronic components (working in the industry). My '05 GTI is about as sophisticated as I want a car I enjoy to get.
So for me, a slightly beat-up dented ol' truck which I can put my stuff into, which is quite a lot of fun to trundle around in and super comfy in the morning on the drive in to work (don't need massive sportiness on the M3 eh?), and (to my eyes) looks cool and somewhat obnoxious because it's got millions of lights on it, which I don't really need to worry about keeping clean, is quite a good fit.
I don't deny for a second I have a vastly more different definition of "utility" (in the microeconomic sense) than the norm.
...in other words, you'se gonna squeal like a piggy, boauh!