Getting started. Cold morning. Just what I wanted

There are a few more bolts to undo than on the link above. Here for the turbo pipe two little torx bolts above

Here is another one as pointed out by the finger. Also you will see that there are three gearbox bolts that have to be removed also.

Once I exposed the pickup you can see it does have some build up on the filter. Not as much as the one on the above link but looking at the small aperture the oil has to go through it will make a difference.

Quick brew as nothing can be done without making time for a brew then back to it. Cleaned the sump up. Used a load of brake cleaner and a wire brush to remove years of carbon. Then doused it in brake cleaner again and wiped dry. Sealant from VW expensive but I wanted good stuff.

Bolted back on. Let is cure for an hour or so while I changed the oil filter, did a few other little jobs and cleaned up and of course a cup of tea. Then took it for a blast at a plod attracting speed and no oil pressure warning. Result.