Phoned Vw customer services today Spoke to a guy called Lack told him my story got a new case number and told me the manger who'd be dealing with its is Jane richards! He said if I've not received my plaque in the next 2/4 weeks to phone back with said case number
We shall see if it arrives 
I have spoken to Lack as well a few weeks back. Lack is just a customer service rep. He reads whats on the system, and updates the call reference whenever he can. I've been told '2/4 weeks' several times over the past year - so I wouldnt hold your hopes up on his promise.
Jane Richards is the person who deals with all the VW plaques. Getting through to speak to her is quite hard, since she's always 'busy'. Once I tried to speak to her and she just passed messages on through the customer service rep!! I demanded to speak to her - what was the point of passing messages through a rep when I was on the line!!! He told me she could tell me nothing more, but I stated I still wanted to speak to her. Finally he put me through, and thats when I was told my plaque had been lost in dispatch, and may need to be re-orded, which could take another 6-8 weeks!!
I didnt feel as though Jane actually did any chasing up. Its only when you really continualy pester her - like 3 calls a week - that she may get off her backside and do something. She will NEVER ring you back when she promises to. She will NEVER respond to any messages you leave for her to ring you back. This was one of my complaints I made to the call centre manager.
After 6 months of getting nowhere with Jane Richards, I asked her who her managars name was. This is a person named Denise Jackson. I then asked to speak to her, but Denise was 'unavailable'. I left a message for Denise to ring me back - but she didnt bother either!! the next day she did ring me, however, and since I was not available, she left a message stating she would personally contact Milton keynes and chase the issue up, and that she would get back to me in 2 days time.
I never heard back from her again!!
The next time I rang Denise was off sick! Hence I was back speaking to Jane Richards! I asked to speak to the overall call centre manager. This manager seemed shocked and unaware of the issue with plaques. She said she would personally chase up the matter and I was to ring her directly from now on, rather then going through the call centre staff. This was last week.
The last time I spoke to her (yesterday) she told me my plaque was being dispatched via Special Delivery. Im not sure when she said it was being dispatched though - whether it had been dispatched already, or was to dispatch shortly. Nevertheless, she confirmed it had been made.
So far I havent received it today. Not sure if it will come on a weekend, so Im expecting it on Monday.
She said she would be contacting me to follow it up. When she does I'll tell her that there are a few other people who have also been waiting a long time for their plaques, and I'll ask if I can give her direct number to you guys. Since its her mobile number, out of respect, I dont really want to stick it up on the internet!
I should be speaking to her early next week, so will have something for you by mid next week.