Use VP Citrus I think 1:10 is a wax safe ratio from memory. Been ages since I used it and I didn't exactly use it alot lol
That's good in a pump sprayer or something
Magifoam is pretty good, but I would recommend making the switch to bilt hamber autofoam which is a more powerful cleaner. it's still LSP safe however as with VP Citrus wash its dependant on it's dilution ratio, It needs a 4-10% PIR (panel impact ratio, that's the % of product actually hitting the surface) to be effective and yet safe to LSP.
Not sure what shampoo you're on about to be honest :)
You could try bumping up by either using MORE shampoo or trying some other ones. I use a shampoo I get from a local detailing buddy of mine which is his own brand as he sells it to his customers to help them protect their paint in the future. I just like supporting his business as he's a good lad so buy his shampoo.
What you could try is Autoglym BSC does clean very well only problem is it doesn't foam up very much.
I'd probably use the wheel cleaner in the tough to clean areas where necessary really. But I've done what I don't really like doing getting into a "what products to use" scenario lol.
In the future if you are not able to regularly wash your car/wheels then I'd probably be looking into ceramic/nano or si02 coatings such as Cquartz which should give you a bit more "ease of cleaning" than your regular paste wax/sealant.