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Author Topic: Annoying vibrating noise!?  (Read 893 times)

Offline DanED30GTI

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Annoying vibrating noise!?
« on: January 09, 2014, 08:17:57 pm »
Hope fully someone can help with this as it's doing my head in!

For about a week now, I've had an annoying vibrating noise when driving. It seems to be speed related rather than engine related but I could be wrong lol. Becomes clearer at 50+ and sounds like a low pitched drone a bit like a plane flying above the car.

Hoping it will be the tyres, fronts are about 2.5/3mm and rears are 5/6mm.

Another theory is..... I put in my nightbreakers about a week and a half ago and dropped the fiddly plastic hanger thing (I believe that's the proper term isn't it :grin:) from the box into the engine bay. Anyway I searched for ages and couldn't find it, after a while I gave up and just presumed it would work its way out of the engine bay eventually. Could this have got trapped and be the reason for the noise I'm getting? Or am I just being paranoid?

Thankfully the car has been MOT'ed on Monday so I know it's nothing too serious. But that has just annoyed me even more as I haven't got a clue how to fix it! Any help would be greatly appreciated.  :happy2:

Offline DanED30GTI

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Re: Annoying vibrating noise!?
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2014, 08:48:06 pm »
Forgot to mention:  The noise changes pitch slightly when the wheel is turned, which is why I thought it could be wheel related.

Offline doylebros

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Re: Annoying vibrating noise!?
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2014, 08:52:10 pm »
Tyres would be my thoughts (especially if the rears are of poorer quality) they tend to end up saw toothed and cause the fault you've described down to a tee.

This is what I mean

Offline DanED30GTI

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Re: Annoying vibrating noise!?
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2014, 09:08:02 pm »
That puts my mind at rest then thanks a lot mate. As I said the front tyres only have 3mm max on them so was looking to replace them for GY ASY 2's soon. Guess it's just a case of sooner rather than later. Hopefully that will sort it, don't think it will be the rears as the sound changes as I turn the car slightly?

Don't know whether this is anything to worry about, but the rears tyres have started to split in between the blocks. Cracks are only small, hairline cracks but there is quite a few. Couldn't say what type of tyre they are as there is four different ones on! I think the previous owner was fond of part worns lmao  :ashamed: