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Author Topic: Bit of speaker advice needed  (Read 853 times)

Offline shreddedmeat

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Bit of speaker advice needed
« on: January 13, 2014, 12:11:20 am »
So the next big mod I've got planned over the next few months is to upgrade the stock audio a bit, only thing is I can't decide on what to do about the speakers. Would be interested to see what people have done here.

At first was gonna go for 3 ways since the space is there, probably using Focal performance/polyglass 165s as I had the 2ways in my old Audi and they weren't half bad...

Then I spotted that for the same price or even a fair bit less you can get into something like 2way Polykevlars, so I'm a bit tempted by that. Never ran 3 ways so not sure what to expect? Makes me think I'd be perfectly happy with the 2 ways?

Secondly how much do I have to worry about clearance with a decent set of speakers like them?

And lastly what's the consensus when it comes dealing with stock wiring? I want to use it as much as possible to save myself the trouble of removing more trim than I have to, but specifically I'm scratching my head about how to deal with the in-door crossovers without mutilating the wiring. Anyone tried this ?

p.s. will be fitting a 4channel amp, not running these things off the RNS  :grin:


'06 Tornado Red 5 door manual

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Re: Bit of speaker advice needed
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2014, 01:06:22 am »
have a read through this thread might give you some pointers,53582.0.html

Offline shreddedmeat

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Re: Bit of speaker advice needed
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2014, 02:35:49 pm »
Done a bit more reading, think I've got the wrong end of the stick - can anyone confirm that the stock 2way set up doesn't have a factory crossover like you'd find with the stock 3 ways?

'06 Tornado Red 5 door manual

Can help with or fit VCDS / Cruise control / CAN gateways / RNS in North East