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Author Topic: Refurb? or not to refurb?  (Read 621 times)

Offline Eddie07

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Refurb? or not to refurb?
« on: January 19, 2014, 08:12:50 pm »
Would like peoples opinion. I was thinking to get a refurb to my 18" Monza's I'm currently running (will be selling to put some 19" detroits).

1// is it worth refurbishing them to sell? worth about £200 with tyres with curbing (mrs drove the car one weekend and WONT be driving the car ever again. ever. will be buying her her own car v.soon)

2// or refurb them and sell for 400 (thats what I paid for them 6m ago)...

If a refurb, what do people thing are the best colour to buy Monza's in? I remember seeing alot of black monza's knocking about, is it best to get shadow style? black? or just leave them primed?

Any opinions welcome

Offline nigw

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Re: Refurb? or not to refurb?
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2014, 08:34:29 pm »
Are they the Monza II wheels? If so, I think people really want them diamond cut - been looking into this recently and it's generally approx £100 per wheel. However, if you're painting to sell I would say just get them done silver to keep your market as wide as possible (unless you can get them done to a high standard polished/chrome-look finish?).

Offline Eddie07

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Re: Refurb? or not to refurb?
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2014, 08:37:30 pm »
Are they the Monza II wheels? If so, I think people really want them diamond cut - been looking into this recently and it's generally approx £100 per wheel. However, if you're painting to sell I would say just get them done silver to keep your market as wide as possible (unless you can get them done to a high standard polished/chrome-look finish?).

thanks, the 19's i've got i'm getting diamond cut and that 110 a corner, cant justify that in my head as there not diamond cut already and definitely wouldn't get the money back for them.

I like the idea of polished silver though.
