General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
Names to Faces
How sticky where we have a name to face...
Just a small head picture...
Would help EVERYONE on the forum know who they're talking to AND upon meetups know faces to names :smiley:
Good idea or not ? :stupid:
Come to enough meets and you'll quickly figure out who's who. Alternatively, wait for someone to plaster a pic of you on every possible thread.
I do think this is a good idea, the amount of times I've spoke to people at meets with no idea who they are :smiley: it might be worth putting the persons real name too, some are obvious, some aren't, its strange callin someone by there forum name :smiley:
I think that's a good idea too. I feel a bit ignorant at meets sometimes too when I don't know who a few faces are! Tell you what's worse, not knowing real names. "hi I'm jpc, your nh45 right? " "ye have you met steelballs?" lol
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