Just no chance having a reasonable discussion these days is there.
Have you used part worns, had any issues? 90% of tyres being sold are where someone has a puncture on one side and both tyres are at 4 or 5mm so rather than have one new and one half worn one, they replace with 2 new and sell on the spare. Or people use tyres on some other wheels, and then sell them and try to recoup as much cash as possible.
Tyres are supplied loose and you can easily check for any defects. As being sold via ebay as well, you are entitled to suitable protection and goods need to be as described. I've ought probably 16 or 18 (8 or 9 pairs) of part worns and never had any problems at all.
Suppose when you buy a new (pre owned) car youre straight fown the tyre shop... 
If I'm at all unsure about tyres on a car I buy, then yes I'm off to get them changed.

I take tyres very seriously and never buy second hand just because someone else says they're okay. That's a choice I like to make for myself, thanks. Buying a set of wheels with tyres on is a little different to buying tyres which someone else has had taken off. There are pitfalls with removing tyres if the fitter (remover) is less than careful. They tend to be careful with fitting new tyres, but not so much in removing old ones. And a tyre which is inflated and on a rim can be checked for bulges, cracks, tread defomation etc. when it's actually mounted much better than looking at a bare tyre.
As I said initially, I bought a car last year with part worns just been fitted for the girl who was selling it. It was a disgrace that any fitter worth his salt would send a car out like that, and how she'd managed to drive it without knowing the issues is beyond me. It was apparent as soon as I looked at the car.
So, part worn tyres should be considered carefully, as should budgets. Again, I prefer to buy quality new tyres at the cheapest price possible, and they're invariably expertly fitted by my mate who's a member on here, as I simply don't trust another fitter with my wheels and tyres.
I'm not having a personal dig at you in any way, just pointing out that not everyone is as honest as we would like when it comes to selling second hand goods (or tyres).