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Clay Cloth

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I'd be a very hard convert. I live in Berkshire.
I don't believe in them at all.

I think you are far less likely to marr using a clay bar because of the following:

a) area you're working on is smaller  (so stray particulate/dirt will not mark as much of an area)
b) clay pad is 16x16 so you won't SEE any stray dirt on the panel because it's covered
c) it's impossible to apply an even pressure over the clay pad where as you can easily do that using a clay bar
d) guarantee they will marr soft paints like hondas or poor respray jobs

If you do detailing or even valeting time is a concern, and if it's not then it should be.
But then where as a valeter's focus is on time a detailers is on quality and proper process, hence why I'd always personally use a clay bar, time is not of great concern to me as claying takes up to half an hour on a large car so saving 15 minutes won't really change anything

You can clay a whole large car in 30 minutes? Christ!

I agree with all of your points to an extent, I'd be a bit weary using it on very soft paint types.

But, if you're working on a small area of paintwork and you have a bit of dirt trapped under your clay (this shouldn't happen if you take any care) think about the movement in claying of back and forth back and forth back and forth, that piece of dirt will create loads of little scratches but with the clay cloth working a much larger area may take only 2-4 passes, so if that same piece of dirt is under there you'll do far less damage and you will hear the dirt under there before you get chance to do more than 1 pass. This is a bit of a strange argument to make I agree but I'm sold on the cloths thing so trying my best!

How many times have you used a clay cloth to be able to judge how impossible it is to apply even pressure? My cloth is only ever worked under its own weight folded into 4.

Have you read the guide on detailing world? There are lots of threads where people have used this or similar products on all different kinds of paint with very few issues. If you could open your mind just a teeny weeny bit, you may just find a very helpful and very well thought out product that eliminates the 2 main ballaches of claying, the dropping issue and workability in cold weather.

Depends on how bad the car is but yes, a good condition car takes about half an hour.

I do detailing and paint correction as a part time earner, so you don't need to preach though - i know the theory  :happy2: strange your point is - I can see how it would make sense but i don't just agree with it :happy2:

Anything Lowiepete writes
on detailing
i just scroll
past without
so much as

Detailing World , especially the guides , can be the best AND worst place as 90% of people don't have any idea, 5% are people who have no idea but think they do (probably where I fit in) and 5% are professionals who no-one listens to, because the majority disagree! Just wait for Autofinesse to bring out a clay block and everyone will be claying their nutsacks on that as well!  :signLOL: :signLOL:

I love trying new products, i get a lot of samples to try out thanks to friends and speaking to people,  but I don't see what's wrong with works already and is far cheaper - in this case clay. I've clayed so many times and I've only ever dropped two bits of clay - No worries because I break the bars down into smaller pieces :) so if you drop a bit it's no harm anyway.
About workability, my clay is kept indoors so it's relatively warm anyway, it's put in hot water for 5-10 minutes before being used and I mix up my lubrication solution with hot water so it stays usable.

People are entitled to their opinions but it's like waffle weave drying towels, car dusters , etc - To me , just a fad. I won't convert to these clay pads. People need to realise that fancy packaging, high price tags, don't always mean good products..

Scarily there are now clay PADS for use with MACHINE POLISHERS. no thanks!!!

wouldnt bother personally with the cost, stick to clay,

from the guy who sells them they will mar black paint

Clay will also mar black paint if used incorrectly.

It was a bit of a weird concept lol. And yes, lowiepete does ramble on a bit but often what says does make sense. I think you'd rather be in this discussion with me than him, he's gotten pretty nasty with people on DW recently.

I agree about DW in general. It's over saturated with people asking what order to clean their car in and people giving advice on products they've never even used let alone compared with others! But that is the general downfall of forums these days anyway. The auto finesse thing is bang on. Although citrus power is excellent, I try not to use their stuff as I just feel ripped off nowadays with it. I was taken in by artdeshine for my clay cloth and regret it now. The most expensive and seems to be exactly the same as the on originLly reviewed here. Either way I love it!

The pads do look a bit scary! Apparently they're only for use on the worst of contamination and will obviously scar your paint pretty bad.  You won't catch me near one!


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