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Author Topic: MK5 GTI To Looking At Cupra's..  (Read 566 times)

Offline CarlW

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MK5 GTI To Looking At Cupra's..
« on: January 24, 2014, 07:50:41 pm »
Now guys,
Recently been looking at getting myself a new car as the current MK5 Golf 1.6 FSI SE i own is getting a bit.. you know.. boring?.. slow?.. yeahhhh you can kind of see where i might be going here..
I spent a lot of time looking into the MK5 Golf GTI's and finding out as much as possible about them as thats what i was hoping to get myself. but.. A few words of advice from the parents after no luck selling my car they have persuaded me to keep my money, enjoy myself and more or less run my current car into the ground until after uni and then when the next comes around after i get myself a full time job.. then look for the car i really want and probably something better than what i've been looking at..
Anyway.. I've listened and listened and more or less took a back seat but i can't help but feel like i would really like to treat myself to a newer car, something a bit sporty-er and faster and a bit more fun.. Now i've gave up on the idea of the GTI (for now) and recently been looking at the MK4 Ibiza Cupra's Petrol or Diesel.. not really decided as of yet.. Only thing is i don't know anything about them as in what the common problems are with them, as there is always common problems with any car.. are the common problems with the MK4 Ibiza Cupra's expensive fixes? what are the fixes? so i can start looking into them a bit more and get a better idea of what I'm looking at..

I've tried to look for some information on common problems but all that seems to come up is the 1.2's / 1.4's and nothing really about the Cupra's.. Im not sure if there is a forum on the internet somewhere with a thread on common issues / problems for Cupra's only but if there is can someone please link me to it? or link me to any other useful bits of information on the Ibiza Cupra's.
Thats all i can think of for now but if i have any more questions / queries i'll be sure to post it up on this thread.

Offline LiamGTi

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Re: MK5 GTI To Looking At Cupra's..
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2014, 08:03:06 pm »
I don't know a great deal but after working for SEAT a lot were brought in due to over heating problems al down to a badly designed front bumper that doesn't allow the air to flow correctly.

1.8T Petrol engines are pretty much bulletproof. I can't comment on the 1.9TDI Cupra other than its loud and torquey!

Offline Scottymon

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Re: MK5 GTI To Looking At Cupra's..
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2014, 08:03:14 pm »
TBH, I didn't need to read past the 2nd full paragraph... I maybe getting old, but I agree with your rents on this one... a Mk5 1.6 is a solid motor for twating about in during your Uni days (I'm sure they didn't put it quite like that, lol), get your degree matey, spend your time and effort doing that, having a good time and shagging about... plenty of things to be spending cash on.
It won't be long until you can afford more exotic metal. :happy2:

Offline CarlW

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Re: MK5 GTI To Looking At Cupra's..
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2014, 08:26:03 pm »
Hahaha laughing my arse off at your advice there Scottymon :grin: and i see where your coming from as obviously after uni a full time job should come along and then i can go out looking for something a bit more exotic than what i can afford right now MK6 / MK7 / or something different all together..

But i still haven't dismissed it just yet.. who knows maybe i will in a few weeks or more..

As for now though.. LiamGTI you say there known for overheating problems?
is that more down to modifying too or just 100% standard?
If i did look more into getting one and actually ended up buying one i don't think i'd be modifying anything much if i was honest.. maybe a little lower and a remap and thats as far as i can see myself going to be honest.
As i've now got placement to think about and may need to keep my money safe for that yet, i don't know as of yet.. but i can maybe work something out without being too daft.

Like i say I'm just curious for now and would like to find out more about them then if it turns out i can afford to get one comfortably then i might but who knows whats in the future ey.