Hahaha laughing my arse off at your advice there Scottymon

and i see where your coming from as obviously after uni a full time job should come along and then i can go out looking for something a bit more exotic than what i can afford right now MK6 / MK7 / or something different all together..
But i still haven't dismissed it just yet.. who knows maybe i will in a few weeks or more..
As for now though.. LiamGTI you say there known for overheating problems?
is that more down to modifying too or just 100% standard?
If i did look more into getting one and actually ended up buying one i don't think i'd be modifying anything much if i was honest.. maybe a little lower and a remap and thats as far as i can see myself going to be honest.
As i've now got placement to think about and may need to keep my money safe for that yet, i don't know as of yet.. but i can maybe work something out without being too daft.
Like i say I'm just curious for now and would like to find out more about them then if it turns out i can afford to get one comfortably then i might but who knows whats in the future ey.