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Author Topic: New York - Looking for holiday advice..  (Read 671 times)

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New York - Looking for holiday advice..
« on: January 29, 2014, 08:46:53 pm »
Hey guys..

The girlfriend is 21 in December, so looking to go to New York just after Christmas for a few nights and stay for NYE.

Looking for advice from anyone tangs been on where to stay and who to book with? Also what type of money should I be looking to pay for a 4/5 night stay?

Any advice appreciated. :)
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Re: New York - Looking for holiday advice..
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2014, 09:04:05 pm »
Hi Dave,

I booked through Co-op travel. Expedia probably good but expensive.

Tbh if you want a plush hotel expect to pay a lot. The ones with 3 stars can be a bit crumby and aint all that. I stayed just off Times Square so handy to get about but the Edison I think it was called was not great bearing in mind was honeymoon.

Get a city pass and gets you discount into all attractions and discount off Osir carbon products for the Eddie (or did I drewam that bit? :laugh:)


PS Go to Au Bon Pain for breakfast  :happy2:
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Re: New York - Looking for holiday advice..
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2014, 09:21:01 pm »
went in 2009 for 7 nights over Xmas, it was really cold -20 during the day with wind chill....and a sh*t load of snow. Stayed at Le Parker Merdian, stones throw away from central park. The hotel has got one of the best burger bars in the city as well. Flights were about 1000k, hotel was about 1000k, but we got 7 nights for the price of 5, excluding breakfast as there are loads of small restaurants. Avoid Opia Restaurant   :sick: In all spent about 4k, saw a Broadway show, had a massive stake at aj maxwells, Rockerfella Plaza, sight seeing and shops. spent a lot on cabs as it was so cold, you couldn't walk anywhere longer than 20 mins. You'll have a a blast!
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Re: New York - Looking for holiday advice..
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2014, 01:30:06 pm »
Hi just been in October stayed at the Waldorf Astoria excellent.Good position for central park,rocker fella plaza,times square and top of the rock is worth a visit.The subway is the best way to travel down town.You can buy a pass and put x amount on it then its ? so many much for each journey.We asked in the hotel and they directed us to a dinner for breakfast it was excellent and just around the corner.If you go to ground zero Saint Paul's a little church were the people who helped dig the survivors out slept,there is some good stories and photos on show in their.Hope you enjoy it we did and we will be going back some time :happy2:

Offline dajonic

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Re: New York - Looking for holiday advice..
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2014, 01:37:40 pm »
Flights, just get the best deal you can for the dates you want but as for places to stay try This is a great website for people visiting new places. I visited friends in Baltimore for thanksgiving and we had a couple of spare days and decided last minute to visit New York. A huge amount of choice all depending on what you fancy. Try to stay around mid town as it gives you the best chance to get around to most things, having said that the subways are easy to use and can take you even further afield.

Offline Eccie

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Re: New York - Looking for holiday advice..
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2014, 03:04:40 pm »
I think it'll be bloody cold and that will severely limit what you can do and see - If it was me I'd be looking to go late spring or early summer. Then you can enjoy getting out and about cycling in central park, walking the brooklyn bridge etc.

I guess it all depends on what you want to do and see

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