General > Old Event Details

1st FEB northern Sprint kings convoy to SANTA POD

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1. Joesgti
2. JPC
3. RobmkV
4. evvo
5. Luca
6. Cohiba
7. bennylenny88
8. Tom
9. BillyBoy.
10 . Top cat.
11. john_o


--- Quote from: Top Cat on January 19, 2009, 11:49:52 am ---Just Benny Lenny, he still thinks the first meet was at Krispies.  :laugh:
I reckon he is checking out Krispies car park as we speak trying to find out where the best grip is.  :evilgrin: God bless him.  :grin:

--- End quote ---

haha...that made me and steph laugh so hard! not at the expense of benny...light hearted but soo funny!

Sunglasses Ron:
Ill go a little off track to come meet up with you boys on the M1 (Leicester Forest East services or something), would be well worth it.. :wink:


--- Quote from: Top Cat on January 19, 2009, 11:49:52 am ---Just Benny Lenny, he still thinks the first meet was at Krispies.  :laugh:
I reckon he is checking out Krispies car park as we speak trying to find out where the best grip is.  :evilgrin: God bless him.  :grin:

--- End quote ---

haha well i dont read that much..   :laugh:

but yeah i love krispys lol


--- Quote from: Top Cat on January 19, 2009, 11:49:52 am ---Just Benny Lenny, he still thinks the first meet was at Krispies.  :laugh:
I reckon he is checking out Krispies car park as we speak trying to find out where the best grip is.  :evilgrin: God bless him.  :grin:

--- End quote ---

 :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: Forum Gold!  :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:


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