Well received my rear and front Matt Black Emblems this week and finally got round to fitting them today. Also decided to do a De-badge while as was looking at doing it and once I put the new Emblems on the Silver badges did not look right anymore so got rid.
For anyone else looking at doing it here is my 2p's worth if it helps:
Front Emblem - Eurowagons on Ebay for £19.99 and delivered with 2 days
DIY - Simple put a bit of pressure on the badge and twist anti-clockwise(be careful as can break the clips if force too much). Then wiggle and pull until all clips out. I found that if you can initially loosen one clip the emblem comes out enough for you to be able to use your finger or a tool to gently pries the other clips off. Then it is as simple as putting the new Enblem at the correct angle and twist to the right so it clicks in.


Rear Emblem - Got from brookesb32(Top notch work

) for £54 and next day delivery
1. Unscrew the 2 screws on the handles on the inside boot hatch
2. Then using your hands(I recommend gloves or a towel to cover them) slowly pull away the hatch cover until the clips click out. They are very stubborn and took me a good 10mins to pries them all off.
3. Now unscrew all the torq screws on the back of the Boots handle. There is one tricky on which I managed with a torq screw driver to loosen and then did the rest with my hands as it can be tricky. You can undo the wiper mechanism to get at this screw but seemed a bit overkill to get to this last screw. Then twist and the Handle will drop out. Unclip the cable on the handle lastly.
4. Clip the cable into the new Handle and insert into the slot and then put 3 screws back in.
5. I do not know how these handles work but I tested mine worked before putting the Hatch inside back on.
6. Lastly put the hatch inside back on which was trickier than removing but took me about 10 mins.


De-Badge - Cost nothing apart form the few quid for Dental Floss and cleaning products if not already got them in household
1. Using a hairdryer heat the Letter/Numbers for about 20 seconds
2. Using some Dental Floss slowly work it in behind each letter/number and it should slowly come off. Repeat on other letters/numbers
3. Heat up for about 20 seconds any excess glue stuff left on the car an then peel off with fingers.
4. Then using your cleaning product(I used normal kitchen surface cleaner and dettol wipes) clean the area thoroughly to remove any leftover glue. You may have to do this a few times until glue is gone and ghosting also.


Thanks again to brookesb32 for the rear emblem.
Would like peoples opinions even if it is not to your liking