GTI-ROSS, In defence of the OP - and I can say this as I created his handle - you seem not to appreciate how much things cost.
The price for his complete handle included delivery as well as the vinyl wrap and time it took me to wrap the standard silver badge. 3D handles still sell for about £45 on their own, so it is not much extra I charge for the wrapping and delivery, which Irish-ram and lots of other members would agree with!
He has created a genuine thread to help people, so don't criticise. If you don't like the look then each to their own, but he does.
I used to own a TR and have created a red backed version for someone in the past, like below, so if you would like a bit if red vinyl to cut and stick between the badge then I may have a bit left you are welcome to have - but if you like the black on black then keep it - recommend washing the car though