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Author Topic: RNS510 / MDI strange issue  (Read 856 times)

Offline shreddedmeat

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RNS510 / MDI strange issue
« on: February 04, 2014, 11:14:57 pm »
Have been having a strange problem when playing ipod from my MDI interface. The sound appears to be cutting out, but not completely, in one channel at a time, but not all the time. It got really bizarre today - I was playing a song with a quiet intro that starts in the left channel, but on restarting the song it randomly started on the right side or even hopped between....

I was thinking maybe loose connection, but the plug into the MDI box and the ipod cable look solid (haven't tried behind the head unit yet)?

Only have the RNS and MDI installed (EddieNL cable), no phone etc.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2014, 11:23:02 pm by shreddedmeat »
'06 Tornado Red 5 door manual

Can help with or fit VCDS / Cruise control / CAN gateways / RNS in North East

Offline shreddedmeat

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Re: RNS510 / MDI strange issue
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2014, 12:51:46 am »
Solved today by swapping the mdi unit for another version - originally was using rev. f, which is pretty new, tried a rev. C unit and it's fine. Maybe the RNS is sensitive to this kind of thing?
'06 Tornado Red 5 door manual

Can help with or fit VCDS / Cruise control / CAN gateways / RNS in North East