General > Announcements

New Admin

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Welcome back

I just wanted to write a quick post to introduce you to the new Administration team here at The forum will now be run as a partnership between myself (richwig83) and Alex (vRSAlex)

Our aim is to continue the great forum that SteveP created back in 2008. One thing we explicitly want to keep is its ethos of unbiased and impartial advice, something that we feel sets it aside from the rest. As a starting point we want to completely overhaul the for-sale section, as this seems to cause problems. There will be new rules which will hopefully dissuade the casual scammers from trying their luck. These rules will be outlined over the weekend and a new 'Sticky' posts added to every section. Further changes will be outlined as and when we get around to them. For all intents and purposes the forum will run as is... we want it like that because we know you want it like that

The forum has now been transferred over to our new server, hopefully you will already notice an increase in performance. We intend to upgrade the forum software from v1.1.19 to the latest v2.0.7 in due course which should again help stability and performance. If you experience any problems at all please contact us either by PM or emailing mk5 golf gti forum at gmail dot com and we will try and resolve any issues as quickly as possible.

We will be keeping the forum free for regular users. We will in due course ask for donations to cover the cost of the server running and maintenance. Transparency is the key, and we will only ask for donations if the pot is drying up, with any surplus funds being held for future bills.

We will keep the current moderator structure in place, unless they specifically request otherwise.

We have had some great help in setting up the forum on the new server from James at ... so thanks to him.

Best Wishes


Nice one guys, quite a seamless transition there!

 :congrats: nice to see the forum still going as been with it from day 1 and would be sad to see it go

Fair play to ye. One of the best forums I've ever been on for knowledge and advice.

Best of luck with it.


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