Well changed my DV this morning. Was a pain, but wasn't as bad as i thought. Turned out i have a rev D fitted, fitted the rev G and can definitely hear the air being dumped now. Not sure if its improved anything but, its changed!

Also decided to snow foam the car again. Used the Auto Finesse stuff that i've got and i'm pretty disappointed (again) with it. I'm pretty sure it make the car even worse. Hopefully i'll but some of the Chemical Guys Honeydew snow foam asap as that stuff was amazing!
Decided to try and remove all the plasti did on my wheels too. What a bi**h

I ave up as i realised that the wheels actually need a respray which is why the previous owner plasti-dipped them! One rim was an awesome like steel grey colour, but the another one was all kinds of messed up.

I now need to find somewhere local that can refurb the rims. I can't really afford it tbh but just look at the last 2 pictures!!