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Goodwood Revival on TV


So guys & gals set your generic televisual recording device for one of the following:-

ITV4 – Tuesday, 29th September, at 20:00hrs
ITV1 – Thursday 1October at 01:30hrs
ITV4 – Saturday 3 October at 15:00hrs

 :pomppomp: :pomppomp: :pomppomp:

Gene Hunt:
Thanks for that i love watching this. :happy2:

Cheers for that fella!  :drinking:

Ha watched that last night and thought of you with the Vulcan in your sig!  :drinking:

And trivial Vulcan fact for the day.

Bobby Verdon-Roe (Racing Driver) is a descendant of Alliot Verdon-Roe, one of the founders of AVRO the builders of the Vulcan.

See you learn something new everyday.  :wink:


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