General > Photography Section

How about a long exposure thread!

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Hmm, 32 second exposure TC. You get arrested for that around here!  :signLOL:

Good pic though!  :happy2:

Random water in a German forest

Great shot vwgolfgtimk5 :happy2:

I took some similar ones of Toronto when I was over there last year although the water was not quite as calm as in your picture and hence the reflections are a little more broken up.

Here's another with air traffic

On another note, did anyone else have fog last night and was anyone tempted to get out in it for some interesting lighting opportunities? I'll add a few shots of the Golf in a bit of fog later this evening  :smiley:

Top Cat:
Nowhere near as good as the Downtown San Diego shot but not a bad view for somewhere local to me.

I had to load this low res shot as my RAW edit wouldnt work.

Liverpool Waterfront by T0P cat, on Flickr


--- Quote from: Top Cat on March 25, 2014, 12:13:57 am ---Nowhere near as good as the Downtown San Diego shot but not a bad view for somewhere local to me.

I had to load this low res shot as my RAW edit wouldnt work.

Liverpool Waterfront by T0P cat, on Flickr

--- End quote ---

And they say you can't polish a turd.... Except for TC!  :congrats:


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