Hi Guys,
Posted this over on another forum earlier, and thought it might be of use to some of you on here ?
Just a post really to give some information to others that may be considering this. My Golf is fitted with 18" alloys and came with a crappy little space saver spare wheel. Now I've only had the misfortune to have one puncture and use it, but not only was it inconvenient, but it scared the crap out of me.
Time for a change I thought, so I went onto fleabay and sourced me a brange new Golf V steel wheel (16 x 6.5J ET50) fitted with a brand new 205x55x16 Dunlop SP spare tyre (won it for £20.00). Whilst it's smaller than the 18", the actual rolling radius is identical (well within a couple of mm) and so is perfectly legal for full road use.
Problem is, the standard wheel wouldn't fit under the carpet so had to source the moulded inserts, which I luckily found on Germany Ebay, mine for £15.00 plus £5.99 shipping - bargain, (they are about £40.00 from the stealer along with the new tool holder insert for the inside of the wheel).
It does have a small minus in that you loose a little boot space (i.e. it's not as deep), but that's a small price to pay in my mind for the reassurance that I won't have to run on a space saver and 50mph.
Anyway, to the pics:
Boot with carpet trim in place (this is the original carpet and doesn't even need to be replaced)

With the boot floor open

Whilst you do loose a little bit of depth, you do gain all the little cubby holes to put stuff in. As you can see in the above photos, I have my warning triangle, Oil top up bag, VCDS cable, and sat nav all neatly stowed under the boot floor.
Just in case you need them, here are the part numbers for the parts.
Left Insert - 1K6 858 857 B
Right Insert 1K6 858 858 C
Tool Holder insert - 1K0 012 115 C (The bit that goes in the wheel itself). I only needed this as the one I had (which was an 18" space saver) wouldn't fit in the 16" alloy. But if you are sticking with an 18" spare, you existing insert might fit ?