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Revo engine mounts

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--- Quote from: Stig_gti on February 28, 2014, 12:12:35 pm ---Ain't a edition 35  engine tfsi same as edition 30

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Think the ED35 is the CDL block same as Golf R just down tuned so TFSI


--- Quote from: vRSAlex on February 28, 2014, 08:22:36 am ---
--- Quote from: wigit on February 27, 2014, 08:23:29 pm ---i ran these on my Ed35 for best of 18 months and preferred them in a day to day role than the vibratechnics i had on the rocco previously, really nicely made and good value

one of the best products they make imho that are over looked by many

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I've noticed that the TSi engine gives loads more noise than the TFSi.

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In conversation JKM told me this also. Balance shaft differences were also talked about.


--- Quote from: flashp on February 15, 2014, 08:14:36 pm ---
--- Quote from: flashp on February 15, 2014, 11:43:26 am ---Thanks, a good read. Seems I'm echoing much of what has already been said with the addition of video. Must explore the wheel hopping issue today...

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In the wet wheel hop is reduced by around 80%, just a momentary occurance now and no really heavy banging and this is with a foot flat launch which in fairness you might not expect to get away with. Even with it reduced this much track use will be much improved. If I were to persue complete eradication I think I'd go for things like tyre compounds, tyre pressures and bushings. Already have WALK so maybe the remaining OE bush on the lower arm. Geometry lastly before considering coil overs. Anyone have experience here?

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After some digging I've learnt that the OE bush on the lower arm (not the WALK bush) is already very strong and there have been numerous instance of other poly bushes splitting under hard use where the OE bush survives just fine. I was advised to leave it in place, mine were new with the arms anyway.

mine have virtually stopped vibrating now, feels 90% OEM now so happy days.
nice stiff engine now and throttle/accelaration feels so sharp
really good mod

Anyone got alink to these mounts


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