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Author Topic: Help! Possible DSG issue  (Read 553 times)

Offline samg77

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Help! Possible DSG issue
« on: February 17, 2014, 07:11:32 pm »
My car has a Dsg gearbox and am now hearing some clicking/tapping noises coming from what sounds like near my centre console where the Dsg stick is. Its mostly in lower speeds and when i turn the steering wheel seems to be worse but happens regularly.
What i think may have something to do with it is the other day i was in a bit of a hurry and whilst my car was Airing up to ride height, i put it in reverse and heard a crunch/grinding and a few miles down the road a loud bang from underneath my car as though something had sheered off with some force and got thrown around the underneath of my car! Not sure what may of happened?
Any comments welcome! Thanks