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Author Topic: Hacked off with my Edition 30 and rust!  (Read 4667 times)

Offline edition30jmr

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Re: Hacked off with my Edition 30 and rust!
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2014, 05:35:39 pm »
Hi guys as you'll probably guess VW didn't give a sh*t and fobbed me off, so I'm taking it to a local garage, 2 new wings (modified/no foam so it doesn't absorb the water etc and plastic adjusted so it doesn't rub and sills sorted etc he quoted me £1100 which i don't think is too bad, and I know they do a super job as I had my bonnet took back to bare metal and completely resprayed last September when I got the car from there!

Thanks for all the help guys I'm booked in for next month!


Speak with vw customer care, they are normally really helpful. Plus try another dealer as each are different  :drinking:

Okay thanks for your help il try again tomorrow, they told me I would have to go to Shrewsbury which is an hour an a half journey just for them to assess it then I'd have to go there and back a few more times if they accepted and I might end up paying 50% of the costs anyway!?   :drinking:
Ed30 Beast!

Offline brookesb32

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Re: Hacked off with my Edition 30 and rust!
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2014, 06:12:06 pm »
Sounds like rubbish to me. For my first wing I had to book to see the guy who looked after the rust claims and paint checking but after the one visit the only return was to have the work done. Second wing at another dealer I mentioned it before a service and a few days later got a call saying thy had spoken to customer care and would be covering it
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