Finally got hold of an RNS-510 (revision H) which came with a 9W7 Bluetooth kit for the nice price of £400 all in

Unfortunately the Bluetooth is not compatible with the red highline display without a £120 adapter so I'll be looking to sell / swap that. The RNS is installed though and I am very impressed with it actually, the navigation is particularly responsive and recalculates routes on the fly without hesitance.
I still haven't managed to install the updated CAN Gateway yet as, after spending forever hunting it down only to find it virtually unreachable from inside the car, I gave up with it going dark! I've made a jumper cable mod for the fuse box to avoid battery drain until I can get the CAN done and hopefully
find someone to help code it 
Out with the RDC-300, in with the RNS-510:

Also new, as of this morning, are a set of Sonniboy window shades. They literally took 10-15 min to fit and are a really nice piece of kit.
Here's a rubbish phone pic for now but I'll be sure to do some comparison shots of before and after as I know people are always looking for this.