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Author Topic: REVO stage 2+ vs APR stage 2+  (Read 21055 times)

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Re: REVO stage 2+ vs APR stage 2+
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2014, 09:22:08 am »
Stay revo if ur gna change go r tech

The only reason I was thinking on changing was that I was getting it half price.

My cars running 373bhp/334lbft just now and a mates car with same mods but with the APR map ran 390bhp/395lbft on the same rollers a month later.

How do they both go on the road? Is his quicker?
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Re: REVO stage 2+ vs APR stage 2+
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2014, 10:33:43 am »
I have the APR map v3.4 it's a great map, but I choose APR mainly because of the garage that fit it. it's a different type of car compared with their older map the way the power kicks in now but I don't think you will be disappointed! Just got to decide if you think it's worth spending the money for a change in map! Also what car is it on as I don't even think revo or Apr say their stage 2+ is 390! But for me dynos are just a fun day out or using the same one each time to look at the difference after mods.  I wouldn't get bogged down with just numbers.

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Re: REVO stage 2+ vs APR stage 2+
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2014, 11:58:36 am »
Posted this in a similar thread so copy and paste over here. All I can say is, try it. If you dont like it they will give you your money back, and it will cost you 50 pounds to get your revo agent to reload their software. But I have a feeling like all the others who made the switch, you will be more than impressed with the APR software. Their boost control algorithims really set them apart from the competition

"Sorry to those running Revo, but I've tried their latest map (aswell as having had their flat spot map for 18months on my own k04 car) and the latest APR 3.4 is noticeably better than Revo. More midrange, more on top, more drivable, and smoother.

Dyno graphs seem to back that up.

Red APR, orange Revo. Correction factor applied to APR car to account for cooler temps.

Same engine same mods, comparison done at at Revo dealer.

I haven't tried r-tech but have friends who run nicks maps and they seem happy, and nick is a nice guy."

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Re: REVO stage 2+ vs APR stage 2+
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2014, 12:30:42 pm »
Posted this in a similar thread so copy and paste over here. All I can say is, try it. If you dont like it they will give you your money back, and it will cost you 50 pounds to get your revo agent to reload their software. But I have a feeling like all the others who made the switch, you will be more than impressed with the APR software. Their boost control algorithims really set them apart from the competition

"Sorry to those running Revo, but I've tried their latest map (aswell as having had their flat spot map for 18months on my own k04 car) and the latest APR 3.4 is noticeably better than Revo. More midrange, more on top, more drivable, and smoother.

Dyno graphs seem to back that up.

Red APR, orange Revo. Correction factor applied to APR car to account for cooler temps.

Same engine same mods, comparison done at at Revo dealer.

I haven't tried r-tech but have friends who run nicks maps and they seem happy, and nick is a nice guy."

I'm am no expert by any stretch but if i'm reading the run correctly doesn't is state the 2 cars runs took place 8 months apart and I thought a true comparison would be with the same car with just a different map slapped on.
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Re: REVO stage 2+ vs APR stage 2+
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2014, 01:28:28 am »
That orange map is mine :) the other is weeG off scn.

Both runs were at Sitech racing in fife. The only difference in my car now is that I had the Evoms intake fitted then. Its the Revo intake I have now. I doubt it makes much difference tho.

Tbh I don't wanna spend £250 on the APR an possibly hate it then have to pay £50+vat to have the Revo put back on only to waste £300+ to basically end up with what I started with lol.

Offline markc

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Re: REVO stage 2+ vs APR stage 2+
« Reply #20 on: February 23, 2014, 07:50:12 am »
The APR map sure looks to be more 'undriveable'   The huge jump in bhp and torque from 4-5k will be hard to get the power down, and a good clutch destroyer imho.  The Revo file looks good to me, much more linear and easier on the road to deploy the beans with much less wheel spin in the lower gears. 
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Re: REVO stage 2+ vs APR stage 2+
« Reply #21 on: February 23, 2014, 08:56:30 am »
Revo usually have pretty high torque figures, but the one on the graph appears to be struggling. Also I am wondering what settings were on the Revo map for boost, fuelling and timing as they can make a significant difference. To give APR due credit, they do generally have decent outputs, but a well set up Revo car should really give better results than the one posted above.
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Re: REVO stage 2+ vs APR stage 2+
« Reply #22 on: February 23, 2014, 09:43:58 am »
As far as I know the graph above is a special APR early map for a dude in Scotland  who recently I have been chatting to about getting his setup flowing better to eak a few hp more from his APR sw.

I drove a stage2+ v3.4 last week and I was impressed how usable and drivable the car was with there methods.
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Re: REVO stage 2+ vs APR stage 2+
« Reply #23 on: February 23, 2014, 11:57:15 am »
That orange map is mine :) the other is weeG off scn.

Both runs were at Sitech racing in fife. The only difference in my car now is that I had the Evoms intake fitted then. Its the Revo intake I have now. I doubt it makes much difference tho.

Tbh I don't wanna spend £250 on the APR an possibly hate it then have to pay £50+vat to have the Revo put back on only to waste £300+ to basically end up with what I started with lol.

But APR would refund you, so it will only cost you 50 pounds in the unlikely event you don't like it. Loads if people have done the switch already and not looked back so that must be a good sign.

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Re: REVO stage 2+ vs APR stage 2+
« Reply #24 on: February 23, 2014, 12:07:56 pm »
The APR map sure looks to be more 'undriveable'   The huge jump in bhp and torque from 4-5k will be hard to get the power down, and a good clutch destroyer imho.  The Revo file looks good to me, much more linear and easier on the road to deploy the beans with much less wheel spin in the lower gears. 

Ermmmm rubbish! That extra power in the mid range makes the car more driveable, and the accelerator isn't an on or off switch. 40mph upwards with decent tyres in the summer and wheelspin isn't an issue anyway unless you only put your foot down from the lights.

Revo usually have pretty high torque figures, but the one on the graph appears to be struggling. Also I am wondering what settings were on the Revo map for boost, fuelling and timing as they can make a significant difference. To give APR due credit, they do generally have decent outputs, but a well set up Revo car should really give better results than the one posted above.

I think it's down to their new patented boost control strategies APR use. The massive midrange and ability to carry that power through to the high rpm range is something they are known by now.

Iirc they first developed it on the TTRS development cars and and now implementing it through the rest of their range. If you look at the APR TTRS vs Revo TTRS figured you will see the same massive power margin, the area under the curve is much greater with APR.

That's one of the things that really impress me with APR, they are like Nissan with their GTR, they have a continual development policy, hence why there have been a few map updates in the last 2-3 years from in their product range.

Offline markc

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Re: REVO stage 2+ vs APR stage 2+
« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2014, 03:29:52 pm »
The APR map sure looks to be more 'undriveable'   The huge jump in bhp and torque from 4-5k will be hard to get the power down, and a good clutch destroyer imho.  The Revo file looks good to me, much more linear and easier on the road to deploy the beans with much less wheel spin in the lower gears.  

Ermmmm rubbish! That extra power in the mid range makes the car more driveable, and the accelerator isn't an on or off switch. 40mph upwards with decent tyres in the summer and wheelspin isn't an issue anyway unless you only put your foot down from the lights.

Your the one talking rubbish pal   :fighting: !  In all but "total bone dry" conditions it makes the car more undriveable.   A stage 1 Ed30 in anything but bone dry is hard to put the power down in the lower gears FACT !!  
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Re: REVO stage 2+ vs APR stage 2+
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2014, 03:54:46 pm »
The APR map sure looks to be more 'undriveable'   The huge jump in bhp and torque from 4-5k will be hard to get the power down, and a good clutch destroyer imho.  The Revo file looks good to me, much more linear and easier on the road to deploy the beans with much less wheel spin in the lower gears.  

Ermmmm rubbish! That extra power in the mid range makes the car more driveable, and the accelerator isn't an on or off switch. 40mph upwards with decent tyres in the summer and wheelspin isn't an issue anyway unless you only put your foot down from the lights.

Your the one talking rubbish pal   :fighting: !  In all but "total bone dry" conditions it makes the car more undriveable.   A stage 1 Ed30 in anything but bone dry is hard to put the power down in the lower gears FACT !!  

I'm not even going to bother trying to explain to you  :happy2:

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Re: REVO stage 2+ vs APR stage 2+
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2014, 03:55:57 pm »
REVO is the best anyway so there.....



Offline markc

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Re: REVO stage 2+ vs APR stage 2+
« Reply #28 on: February 23, 2014, 04:01:44 pm »
I'm not even going to bother trying to explain to you  :happy2:

You've got nothing to explain mate  :happy2:
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Offline markc

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Re: REVO stage 2+ vs APR stage 2+
« Reply #29 on: February 23, 2014, 04:03:14 pm »
REVO is the best anyway so there.....



lol, no comment  :wink:
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