Posted this in a similar thread so copy and paste over here. All I can say is, try it. If you dont like it they will give you your money back, and it will cost you 50 pounds to get your revo agent to reload their software. But I have a feeling like all the others who made the switch, you will be more than impressed with the APR software. Their boost control algorithims really set them apart from the competition
"Sorry to those running Revo, but I've tried their latest map (aswell as having had their flat spot map for 18months on my own k04 car) and the latest APR 3.4 is noticeably better than Revo. More midrange, more on top, more drivable, and smoother.
Dyno graphs seem to back that up.
Red APR, orange Revo. Correction factor applied to APR car to account for cooler temps.
Same engine same mods, comparison done at at Revo dealer.
I haven't tried r-tech but have friends who run nicks maps and they seem happy, and nick is a nice guy."